Monday 13 April 2015


Netflix has developed a very trusted name for itself in the way of high quality programming.  It's meeting the same water hole as Cable television networks like HBO, AMC and Showtime.  With shoes like House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Lillyhammer, Derek, Bojack Horseman there's something for everybody.  This year there's been a few new additions to the Netflix family, Tina Fey is given room to breathe beyond what NBC can allow with The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.  And Damages writers Glenn and Todd Kessler along with Daniel Zelman have a pretty intriguing drama out now called Bloodline, which will most definitely be next on my list.

So why did Marvel with all their ingenuity and world-dominating force take so long to make a Netflix series of their own?  Because they knew if they rushed it, it would just turn out like Agent's of SHIELD or worse yet Agent Carter.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy Agent's of SHIELD, it gives me the same glee that watching old episodes of Buffy gives me but with more Marvel easter egg hunting.

However, Daredevil is something very different.  All the critics put it the same way, it "found a balance".  It took what could have been hokey and cheesy and decided to make it gritty and grounded.  Believe me there are some cheesy one-liners (compliments of Foggy Nelson) but they're bearable when enveloped in such a grim construct.

At first the show feels like a procedural;
he'll solve a case as a lawyer and fight crime on the side over and over.  But that would not stand for ANY audience.  We're tired of those.  Yes Vincent D'Onofrio was in Law & Order but that's not what we're tuning-in for.  We want an honest, dark, real show with heart, characters we love and stories we want to unfold.  Although, we know watching another episodes means we're that much closer to the season being over and having to wait for more, but we can't look away.  Seriously the fight scenes glue you to the screen.

Daredevil did exactly that.  I'm not saying it's the best show ever.  Breaking Bad still takes the cake as well several other dramas/comedies etc.  But I AM saying that Marvel has made the Daredevil that fans will love, new audiences will fall in love with, and everyone is going to want more after they see it.  Excellent work on D'Onofrio's part, the Kingpin has never been so compelling and fun.  Exceptional work on Charlie Cox's part for being a TOTALLY believable blind ass-kicking Lawyer.  I LOVED seeing Bob Gunton in this show, he is a delight in every scene he's in.  And Rosario Dawson was a great addition as Night Nurse Claire Temple (not a series regular but definitely a tie-in for future Netflix shows like Luke Cage etc).

It was fun and makes up for the Ben Affleck movie (sorry Ben, sometimes you suck).  

I highly urge you to give this show a chance.  I grew up loving Daredevil as a character in the comics, the cartoons, and wanted for SO long to see something live-action that did him justice.  Here it is.

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